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  • MHOSCHI - ayam organik

MHOSCHI - ayam organik

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
18 kali

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Detail MHOSCHI - Ayam Organik

The maintenance of chicken generally do not can be detached from the use of antibiotic and other chemical drugs. The use of these chemicals, that shines more and more and more numerous and dosage day be high and it caused many negative influence against the quality of meat produced. The quality of meat produced, organic chicken seen as on a table at the top can be described as follows: the flesh contains a little fat. Cholesterol lower. A protein higher. Not slimy. There is no penyakit as salmonella and eschericia coli. Thus some of the problem concerns and doubts people will be the product of a hen that there are dipasaran currently has been missed been solved by organic chicken. The problem next especially for muslims and the general public, which is currently always ambivalent about kehalalan the process of slaughter of being in accord with syarie, pace of slaughter has also been answered with the recognition of the certification halal mui by moomtaz halaal centre numbered:
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